2011 High Power annual report

Check out www.CentralJerseyHighPower.com for all things High Power here at the club, please take a moment to look it over, let me know what you think. Am always interested in feedback & suggestions, have intentionally limited the information to High Power Rifle, it’s just not possible for me to do justice to disciplines outside my field of interest.

There are monthly E-blasts to all our e-mail list subscribers, notices/updates on coming events, match bulletins/calendar, trusted vendor lists for those not sure where to find reliable gunsmiths, equipment & shooting supply dealers, have myself bought from all listed. Also included is a section title “What is NRA High Power Rifle About” containing exact match details, especially helpful to anyone starting out, you get a step by step explanation of what we do. Have recently added a video section which hopefully will be expanded in the near future, there purpose, to demonstrate what a regular HP match looks like in person along with hearing the commands. These videos are not meant as anything other than a visual guide, everyone eventually finds that which is most comfortable for them. The real problem is that most have no point of reference from which to get started so they don’t even try. Plan on adding service rifle soon as time permits & willing participants are found, not many shooters are comfortable allowing taping.

Those videos are not intended to demonstrate one & only one way of playing the game, pick what you think may benefit each of you in the ultimate pursuit of higher scores & give it a test. While there are a few techniques that are generally recognized as fundamental to firing good consistent scores (as in often not once in a while), there also exist many more variations beyond those fundamentals, test based on your own individual needs. Guess what I’m trying to say is experiment as much as is prudent, the common thread with good shooters, they are always trying to better their scores. If I’ve learned anything while play this game, it’s that learning correct techniques from the start is far easier than breaking bad habits, enough said, you be the judge of the info presented.

There is also an extensive photo section, once again something just might be learned from viewing some or all. Taken for the most part at the past few years NJ State Championship matches, surprise, what you see is slightly more elaborate than our regularly scheduled monthly matches. Use the slide show feature to run thru those various folders to speed up getting thru the hundreds, lots of great pictures.

Another successful Championship event, nobody went home w/o receiving some award or prize in appreciation of them coming out. As usual we used both ranges simultaneously to speed things up, firing 50 shooters at a time for sure does the trick. I believe those who shot can now see why using two ranges is such an advantage, back when first put into play many questioned the wisdom, they now appear to have become believers.

Once again we beat the odds of rain though it threatened, we had great attendance once again, only makes me wonder just what the attendance could be with a beautiful day forecast? All day long drinks & snacks where once again provided, the same for our annual BBQ immediately after firing was completed, naturally everything was FREE! Nobody went home prize less regardless of scores, they also had plenty to eat. The medals for Champion & all class winners were presented after the BBQ, as where the various awards/prizes, way too numerous to mention. This year’s main raffle items where two Hornady LNL auto presses, Fulton Armory AR-15 service upper & Fulton Armory AR-10 match rifle upper, now be honest & admit you would have been pleased to take anyone of them home! Truthfully there were way more great prizes available to every shooter via the raffle system.

Can’t tell you how much the generous assistance of so many throughout the year means to both me & the club, no amount of thanks is adequate. Those who help out are the reason why we are able month after month to put on an efficient program, w/o their help it just wouldn’t be possible. Would certainly like to see more different faces helping out & so would those who are already regulars. While they don’t say anything about the shoot & scoot folks, it just isn’t fair the same group is always doing the bulk of the work. How about we all try to pitch in a little more, spreading to work load out makes lighter work for everyone. Remember, we rely on these folks to start on time so we can finish quickly.

Well this year kicked off my first attempt to help shooters who have less than idea shooting vision, it was an interesting year for sure. One thing I found unusual was the resistance of most shooters to change, in this case to see the front sight, target or both better. Today there are many options available, used independently or in combination they can take years off tired/aged eyes, thus improving scores.

Intend to streamline the test process over the winter to make for a quicker & easier ABCD test comparison. Don’t hesitate to get hold of me if you’re interested in investigating a possible solution to your specific vision needs, am always willing to help a fellow shooter to both see & shoot better. I have on hand most of the more common correction devices, if you like what you see, they are available to swap out right on the spot no waiting.

For those who may be concerned about the old rapid fire from standing to sitting or prone, that has passed into history. Everyone stays either sitting or prone w/o standing, avoiding the previous requirement to stand, load & get back down into position on command. It makes learning easier for the new comers, most of which had issues getting up, going back down or both. While this new rule is not universally accepted as a good thing, it none the less is for newer shooters or those just unable to easily get up & down, take advantage of this change & come out to play with us.

The local food bank was once again aided by the generous donations from our various matches around the club, it’s really gratifying to see the amount of support the shooters offer to such a worthy cause. The club has once again offered to match dollar for dollar all donations collected, making us their single largest private donation annually. Every dime collected goes toward holiday food for Jackson residents only, no administrative cost whatsoever. The club gets lots of praise from the residents who see us as a good neighbor, in town we can never have enough friends.

We will be continuing our various programs as usual, High Power rifle, High Power rifle Clinic, M-1 Garand & the 300 yard Any rifle-Any Sight.
Thanks to all for your support & hope to see you all next season if not sooner, until then hold hard & keep em’ in the x-ring.                      John Donald

© 2025 Central Jersey High Power